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Marilyn Perry

Marilyn Perry's Conception of Contemplation

To contemplate is to regard something or someone with steady concentration. Contemplation is in-depth consideration with rapt attention. Even the ancient philosopher Plato believed that contemplation is ascendant to the acquisition of knowledge, knowledge through which one might also acquire wisdom as well, worthy of contemplation.

Thank you for visiting this website, my Marilyn Perry personal website, and enjoying the information and content shared here at
Marilyn Perry

Marilyn Perry's Acknowledgment of Time, After Significant Time

After quite a period of time, it is surely notable that this website and its contents, here at, has now been updated, with an entirely new theme, new styling, and hopefully, a fashionably refreshed appearance. This personal website update and refresh has actually been in the works for a significant period of time. However, for whatever reason, whether explicable or inexplicable surely, even from a personal perspective, the development copy of my Marilyn Perry personal website rebuild sat waiting, waiting for review, waiting to be checked to see that its features were working, waiting to be waited upon. Then, without any reasonably explicable basis, a day arrived, the day arrived, when it seemed like the day, that day just days ago, to run the automated script to publish the development version of my Marilyn Perry website to its public domain here at, so that the global internet, colleagues, newcomers, friends, enemies, and strangers, all alike, might access and consume this website's contents anew.

Only yet more time, possibly even significant time, might determine, what and how much newly created content will appear here. But for the optimistic, including myself, such future days may be upcoming in the very near future, or so that would surely be a delightful happenstance indeed. There are of course these present days of worry here on our planet earth, during which it seems as though many people are hoping very much for the best upcoming days, for days that provide the best for everyone, the best for our entire planet, and the best for everyone and every living thing, entity, being, and life, that surely strives to thrive here on our spaceship earth, hurling around our giant fusion reactor in the sky, while orbiting our galaxy's central core, which, along with every other galaxy are all hurling themselves outward as our 'verse (likely just one 'verse within an infinitum of multiverses), marking the small increments of time, when compared with the measures of the lengths of time that comprise the largest of such measures, and the most significant milestones on that scale of existence, especially when compared with an event such as this website having been updated, however enjoyable and satiating that passage might be.

Thank you for visiting this website, my Marilyn Perry personal website, and enjoying the information and content shared here at Marilyn Perry

Marilyn Perry

Living freely here on our precious planet earth, living each day with assiduous adherence to my own personal standards and principles.

There have been several updates to my website, including a completely new theme and layout update a while ago. This website will soon receive a complete rebuild, implemented with the latest release Drupal 10, website content management system. There is also new content here on my personal website as well as more new content coming in the future.

Marilyn Perry on Allen Forte’s 4z29 and 4z15 "All Interval" Tetrachord Nomenclature

Marilyn Perry on Allen Forte’s 4z29 and 4z15 "All Interval" Tetrachord Nomenclature

During a conversation recently, I noted that it seems like nobody ever asks me about my usage of 4z29 and fourztwentynine as monikers. The quite intelligent person with whom I was conversing immediately asked me what 4z29 means.

Somehow, in the complexities of our verbal discourse, I never answered the question! I wonder if that quite polite person knew that I was quite conscious of not having answered the question but that I had tacitly decided to delay my answer for later. Although I didn't directly answer the question, I noted that the answer was extraordinarily obscure, profoundly nerdy, and probably completely boring for all but a rare few people.

Among my primary collegiate educational interests was - symphonic music theory - and specifically the related - combinatorial calculus - mathematics that precisely describes certain pitch relationships in western - equal pitch temperament - music. Analytic Combinatorics is the mathematics of certain types of discrete structures, such as the scope of relationships between the twelve pitches, tones, notes, that comprise western cultural equal temperament music.

In 1964, a music theorist named Allen Forte, who was a professor at Yale University, published a scholarly journal article entitled:

"A Theory of Set-Complexes for Music"

Marilyn Perry on Karma - An Outline of this Essential Buddhist Concept

Karma - An Outline of this Essential Buddhist Concept

Karma is the universal Law of cause and effect.

Karma is everything and everything is Karma.

In Buddhism, Karma is codified as Myoho, where Myoho means, literally, Mystic Law, the Mystic Law of cause and effect.

At Karma’s most general conceptual level, there are two fundamental types of Karma:

  • Immutable Karma, and
  • Mutable Karma

There are three general categories of Immutable Karma:

  • Karma destined to appear in one’s current lifetime
  • Karma destined to appear in one’s next lifetime
  • Karma destined to appear in a later lifetime

Karma carries over across multiple lifetimes.

Karma in one’s present lifetime is comprised, in part, from the Karma of one’s past lifetimes.

Karma in one’s present lifetime is comprised, in part also, from the Karma in one’s present lifetime.

However, there are additional aspects of, and additional dimensions to, the nature of Karma:

  • Manifest Karma, and
  • Latent Karma

Manifest and Latent Karma can be further codified into:


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